My experience of teaching during Pandemic period

During Covid 19 period I felt very difficult to do online classes as many children are not having smart phones. Out of 30 children only 10 children had smart phones. I designed subject wise, classwise work sheets and uploaded. I took the help of my old students who were graduates to help the children to do worksheets. 
                          Later Our state government started vidyagama programme. This programme gave me the opportunity to visit the pupils twice in a week.I utilized the opportunity very well. I showed the related video clips to the children and they enjoyed a lot. 
                        Unfortunately the programme stopped but it continued in tv channels and as radio lessons. I conducted parents meeting and informed about these lessons with day to day time table. I suggested them to superwise the children during this time. 
                     Now we are eagerly waiting for the school to reopen with all safety measurements. As soon as the school reopens,I give much importance to the child's free adjustment to the school atmosphere. They have to overcome with the fear and must have faith about that my school is safe as their home. 
                    This Pandemic period made us to think that we must update with new technology if any other Pandemic situations come in future. 


  1. Well done madam you done a wonderful job. You also gave ur best in this pandemic situation

  2. Ue caring teacher . Eventhough lack of technology u r still best ...

  3. Well .But some are to be rectified.put supervise,shall give instead of supervise,give.


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