Exploratory Action Report Developing writing skill

To write well, students must develop a broad set of skills. Basic skills like spelling, capitalization, punctuation and sentence structure are sometimes termed mechanics of writing. 
Action Research Questions:
1.How to improve my students in writing skill?
2.Which are the different activities that I can conduct to improve writing skill?
3.To whom I have to contact?
4.what are the common mistakes of the children in writing?
Data collection process:
With the help of my colleagues,students and parents I collected data.My colleague dictated 10 words.out of 10 students only 4 students written correct spelling.This process enabled me to examine my assumptions, gave me an intact picture of class room dynamics and allowed me to implement an action plan to settle the hindrances. 
4.                      Colleagues 
                    (Data Collection  Tools)
            Parents                          Students 


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